Perfect for the humid and hot Weather around the Equator: A Delicious Vitamin and Mineral loaded Smoothie

Since my flying vegetable vendor had fresh Mango (Mangga in Indonesian) and Passion Fruit (Markisa in Indonesian) available this morning, I prepared a delicious, vitamin and mineral loaded smoothie for my family.

Checking on Wikipedia, I was surprised to find out about all the vitamins and minerals which passion fruit contains. Just a small extract from the Wikipedia article:

In a 100 gram reference amount, raw passion fruit supplies 97 calories, and is a rich source of vitamin C (36% of the Daily Value, DV) and a moderate source of riboflavin (11% DV), niacin (10% DV), iron (12% DV), and phosphorus (10% DV) (table).


According to the nutrients table, 100 g of the fresh fruit also contain 29mg of Magnesium (8% of the Daily Value) and many other substances.

When I looked up the Mango I wanted to use, I found the following (also a small extract from the page):

Fresh mango contains only vitamin C and folate in significant amounts of the Daily Value as 44% and 11%, respectively (table).


Especially the folate or folic acid (Vitamin B9) seemed very interesting to me.

Since our fruits are harvested when they are ripe since they don’t need to survive long transports, they are also very sweet, and no sugar or honey is needed in the smoothie.

But let’s see what I dropped into my blender:

Ingredients (for about 1 liter of smoothie)*:

  • 6 passion fruits
  • 3 medium sized mangoes
  • 1 lime
  • 600 ml cold thinking water (maybe more if the smoothie is too viscous)


Peel the mangoes, cut them into pieces, and drop them into your blender.

Slice the passion fruits open, scoop out the flesh and seeds with a spoon, and drop it into your blender, too.

Squeeze the lemon juice on top of it all, fill up with 500 ml of water, and blend at high speed for about 1 to 2 minutes.

Serve and enjoy!

Which is your preferred fruit for smoothies? Are there regional smoothie-specialities where you live?

Feel free to share them in the comments. I’m always curious and happy to read about new drink mixtures from around the world.

* If you don’t have fresh fruit available, you can also use mango purée or frozen mango, but you’ll probably have to let it defrost a bit, depending on the force of your blender.
In case that you don’t live in the regions where the fruit can be harvested when ripe, you’ll probably have to add some sugar, honey or other sweetener to the smoothie.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. I like this combination of fruits, it must be so refreshing, not to mention healthy!
    While mango is easier to find, passion fruit is quite rare and expensive here. But I can get some frozen passion fruit pulp, so will give this combination a try soon. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Livia says:

      Thanks for your kind comment 🙏
      I have do admit that we‘re quite lucky this year as far as passion fruit is concerned. 😊 While other fruits have become quite rare, passion fruit seems to be far more available than it had been in recent years. With rambutan, for example, it‘s the opposite. 😞 I haven‘t found any good rambutan throughout the whole year.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Tanooki says:

    Woo how lucky you are to enjoy fresh passion fruits!! I love passion fruits, but only had chance to try extract. Cheers to yummy nutritious smoothie, dear Livia🥂✨

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Livia says:

      Thanks, Tanooki 🙏 We’re indeed lucky this year with the passion fruits available. In the past years, they were quite rare, but it seems this year’s strange weather is favorable for passion fruits. 😁

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