Don’t feel like baking but want to enjoy muffins? Try my Steamed Banana Coconut Muffins

I felt like making muffins today, but the weather was too hot to ignite my oven. That’s why I came up with the idea of steaming my muffins. Luckily, I found two almost overripe bananas in my fridge, and I still had a portion of freshly grated coconut which I had bought from my flying…

Go Nuts and Bananas with this quickly prepared Banana Coconut Cake

I still had a few very ripe bananas in the fridge, and when my flying vegetable vendor brought me freshly grated coconut, I decided to turn both into a delicious Banana Coconut Cake. The cake is prepared within a few minutes, and tastes delicious! Let’s have a look at what I used besides bananas and…

Going literally Back to the Roots with Stove-Top prepared Potato Waffles

I actually wanted to share these potato waffles much earlier with you, but I had a pretty nasty kitchen failure when I first prepared them. There was nothing wrong with the recipe, but, unfortunately, my electric waffle iron somehow didn‘t like them, and decided to commit suicide in the middle of the preparation process. So…