My version of Puding Betik – Papaya Coconut Milk Pudding, a delicious and quickly prepared summer dessert

Since I bought a very ripe Papaya at a fruit stall this morning, I thought about preparing a nice dessert for me and my family. That’s when I came across a picture of puding betik, papaya pudding.

Betik is another Indonesian word for papaya. Often, the fruit is also just named pepaya, which is easier to understand for foreigners.

I was in favour of combining the fruit with a pudding the moment I saw the picture, and decided to make my own version.

The pudding is prepared in the blink of an eye, doesn’t need many ingredients, and since agar-agar sets in minutes, you also don’t need to plan much time before being able to enjoy it.

A delicious dessert: Papaya Coconut Pudding
Light and quickly prepared

But let’s have a look at the ingredients:

Ingredients (Depending on the size of your papaya, the ingredients need to be adjusted! See info in the preparation instructions):

  • 1 papaya (the bigger, the better)
  • 100 ml water
  • 1 heaped teaspoon agar-agar powder
  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon honey


Peel your papaya, and cut it lengthwise in half so that you have two pieces that resemble boats.

Scoop out the seeds and the white inner skin.

Fill the papaya halves with drinking water.

To measure how much they can hold, pour the water from inside the halves into a measuring cup. Mine held 100 ml. If yours is bigger/smaller, the amount of ingredients needs to be adjusted accordingly.

A delicious dessert: Papaya Coconut Pudding
A delicious dessert: Papaya Coconut Pudding

Place the papaya halves on a plate or surface so that they are straight, otherwise the liquid we’ll pour into them will spill or accumulate on one side.

Pour the water into a small pan, add the agar-agar and still well until everything is dissolved. Turn on the heat, and while the liquid is heating up, stir in the coconut milk and honey.

Bring to a boil, while continuing to stir, and let boil for about 2 minutes. Don’t stop stirring, and be careful that the liquid doesn’t boil over.

Turn off the heat, and quickly pour the mixture into the papaya halves, as agar-agar tends to solidify rapidly.

A delicious dessert: Papaya Coconut Pudding
Beautiful and fresh colours on your plate

Place the papaya halve inside your fridge for at least 30 minutes to let the pudding mixture set well.

Cut in slices, and enjoy!

My family loved the pudding very much, and since papaya is available all year around here, I’ll surely prepare it many times again in the future.

How about you? Have you ever tried papaya with pudding inside? Or maybe other fruit/pudding combinations?

I’m curious to read about your experiences and thoughts in the comments.

8 Comments Add yours

  1. This is such a beautiful and healthy dessert!

    I’m definitely saving it, with hope to get some nice papaya here, which is not always easy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Livia says:

      Thank you very much for your kind comment, dear Ronit. 🙏
      As far as papaya are concerned, I’m really lucky. 😅 It’s probably one of the only fruits that are available pretty much all year round in my region. 😁 Crossing fingers for you to find some nice ones. 🤞🤞

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Tanooki says:

    Ah papaya! Before coming to the US only canned ones were available in my country so I longed to have it! Finally I tried it, wondered how I could choose a good one, and turned out it wasn’t sweet😂 The so called “ripe” part was only slippery but not sweet like I expected so I’m actually jealous to you Livia!

    It’s a great idea making pudding made with coconut milk. Sounds perfectly tropical and yummy😋👍💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Livia says:

      Oh no 😟 I’m sad to read that your papaya wasn’t sweet. That often also happens in Europe, when people buy tropical fruit there. I think it’s because the fruits are harvested unripe and then mature during the transport. That’s a huge difference to ripen on the plant, and being sold locally. 😞
      Maybe, if you want to try the recipe, you could just add more sugar to the pudding, so that the whole thing becomes sweeter. 🤔

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Monch Weller says:

    Fantastic! This reminds me of the lemon curd dessert that’s served in a hollowed-out lemon. Even here in the Philippines, it’s papaya season — so we often eat a lot of it! 😅

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Livia says:

      Thanks for your kind comment, dear Monch. 🙏
      Oh, ya, I think I’ve seen the dessert you mentioned with oranges, and prepared inside the orange peel. 🤩
      I read papaya is very healthy for the stomach and digestion, and it even tastes great, so it can’t be wrong to eat a lot of it. 😁

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Monch Weller says:

        That’s true! 🚽

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Livia says:

        Luckily, up to now, we didn’t have any undesired side effects from papaya consumption 😁

        Liked by 1 person

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